重要事項 Important Notes
1. 每份培訓課程出席證明信(電子版)申請費用為港幣300元。
Each application fee for Letter of Attendance (E-Format) is HK$300.
2. 每個課程需要填寫一張申請表。
Please submit one application form for each course.
3. 議會只能在課程完成日期後6個月內提供補發證書。否則,學生只能申請培訓課程出席證明信。
The TIC can only supply a replacement certificate up to 6 months after the course completed. After this time, the student may only apply for a letter of attendance that has been awarded.
4. 議會確認收到申請費後才會處理申請,處理時間為兩星期。
Processing time for replacement certificate/ letter of attendance is two weeks after the confirmation of the receipt of application fee.
5. 申請一經被接納,已繳交的費用恕不退還。
Payment is non-refundable once the application has been accepted.
**如欲申請補發出席證明信 ,請先以電郵(Training@tichk.org)聯絡議會培訓部以作安排